Empowering People with Knowledge & Tools

Reduce harm, multiply your reach, increase your productivity & save time

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What're we doing?

We're tackling three key challenges:

  1. Misinformation

    We provide trustworthy information for professionals and people who use drugs.

  2. Miscommunication

    We facilitate clear and accurate communication of the science, business, and use of psychoactive drugs.

  3. Stagnation

    We stimulate innovation in the psychoactive drug sectors to increase productivity, safety, and well-being.

What's our approach?

We combine these three elements to tackle challenges and pursue our mission. We’re developing databases and tools for empowering people in the psychoactive drug markets. Our solutions empower professionals to deliver smarter, faster and better interventions.

We are committed to making drug use safe, so we provide free tools for people who use drugs.

What do we offer?

We deliver three types of services:

  1. Consultancy

    We help organisations integrate AI and other technologies in their operations to increase their productivity, service quality and impact.

  2. Software for professionals

    We develop novel software solutions for professionals in the psychoactive drug sectors which empower them to deliver smarter, faster, and better interventions.

  3. Software for people who use drugs

    We create innovative digital tools to maximise the benefits of psychoactive drug use, while minimising their short- and long-term harm.

What're our projects?

Work with Us

Reduce harm, multiply your reach, increase your productivity & save time.

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